
PowerPoints about "Animals" made by some of our pupils in year 3B. Good job pupils...and parents! ;)

Halloween Rules!!

Some Halloween songs! Just for fun!!

Halloween. By our language assistant, Evelyn! Good Job!

Human Body.

Year 4. The Body System game.

Year 4. Body Systems

Welcome back to school!! Hope you all had a great time during your vacation!! Before starting with the new contents let's practice with Grace "All About Us"!

Thank you, Grace!!

Year 2 learning about the Sun, the Moon and the Earth with our wonderful language assistant, Grace!! Great job, everyone!

Let's practice "Clothes" vocabulary

Year 2A & B talk about "Water". Well done children! You did a great job!

"Peace in my fingers". By Year 3.

Two songs to celebrate Peace and the beautiful planet where we live!

Two interesting videos to learn about The water cycle. Year 2.

Animal classification. Year 3. Read about animals then test your knowledge with the "Classification Games".

How do we classify animals?

Baby Animals Song. Year 2 and Year 3.

My Seed Diary. Year 2

Vertebrate animals: Year 2 and Year 3

What do animals eat?

The Tree song. Year 2

"Plants Need Water" Song. Year 2.