PowerPoints about "Animals" made by some of our pupils in year 3B. Good job pupils...and parents! ;) noviembre 03, 2015 Animals Year 3 +
Welcome back to school!! Hope you all had a great time during your vacation!! Before starting with the new contents let's practice with Grace "All About Us"! septiembre 13, 2015 video year 2 +
Year 2 learning about the Sun, the Moon and the Earth with our wonderful language assistant, Grace!! Great job, everyone! marzo 04, 2015 Solar System Sun video year 2 +
Year 2A & B talk about "Water". Well done children! You did a great job! febrero 04, 2015 Water water cycle year 2 +
Two songs to celebrate Peace and the beautiful planet where we live! enero 30, 2015 Peace year 2 Year 3 +
Two interesting videos to learn about The water cycle. Year 2. enero 29, 2015 Water water cycle year 2 +
Animal classification. Year 3. Read about animals then test your knowledge with the "Classification Games". enero 20, 2015 Animals Year 3 +